Quality Genetics !

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One of our foundation matriarchs TEXAS UNDINE N555 this Sunday morning in the glorious sunshine at St.Fillan Farm. She is confirmed PTIC to USA Sire BALDRIDGE GIBSON sourced from World Wide Sires/Dale Edwards, and due to Calve this Spring. She is one of our significant ET donor cows and part of our cornerstone lines at St.Fillan AgCo. UNDINE also has a wonderful Heifer Calf in our program and as a proven performer, she has not missed a beat with her fertility. GIBSON hails from ‘Connealy Confidence Plus’ out of ‘Baldridge Isabel’, is a notable replacement cow Sire and will continue to broaden the quality and versatility of our StF female lines. GIBSON shows EBV’s in the top 2% of the breed for EMA (Eye Muscle Area), Milk and 200 Day Weight Gain and top 1% for 400 Days and A$ Selection Index (TACE 4/24 EBV’s), whereas the Texas UNDINE females have produced some of the most celebrated Bulls in Australia. We are very excited to see these calves in a few months.

St.Fillan Angus – Bred to Outperform !

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