FMD – Livestock & Australia

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BioSecurity is a serious issue.

Food security is a serious issue.

Our livestock, their health and well being, is of paramount importance. The recent outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in SE Asia, including Australias closest neighbours to the North, brings this threat to not just our StF cattle, but the entire Livestock and Farming industry across all Australia. It’s potentially an $ 80 billion catastrophe as Australia is FMD free and the quality of our product is thus assured. With FMD now in Bali, it brings the problem even closer to our shores. The AusGov needs to ensure strict, proper, and fit-for-purpose quarantine and border protocols to keep this disease out of Australia. We can try to keep the disease out of our farms, and all property access at St.Fillan Farm is now denied without prior agreement, but it would be infinitely better if FMD never makes it to our shores.  Everyone travelling to Australia needs to be aware of the issue and all travellers be vigilant.

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723 Maroondah Highway,
Narbethong - St.Fillan Vic., 3778

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