Regen or Sustainable Ag ?

 |  adminstfillan

Regenerative or Sustainable Farming ? … you can decide, however what we actually do on (and under) the ground doesn’t change here at St.Fillan Farm. This is one of our western hill paddocks clearly showing the diversity and vigour of our multi-species pasture mix. What the picture doesn’t capture is the tremendous amount of insect activity within and above the grasses including bees, butterflies and dragonflies, and so many other things I cant even list…

Thanks also to Elders Carbon Chris Taarnby and Thakur Bhattarai as well as Precision Agriculture, Dindi Ag Matt Helder & an RPR from BioAg Pty Ltd

Grass Fed Beef.
St.Fillan Angus – Bred to outperform

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St.Fillan Farm
723 Maroondah Highway,
Narbethong - St.Fillan Vic., 3778

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