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Established in 1880
St.Fillan Farm has a Rich and Significant History

Over the last quarter of a century and under the current ownership, St.Fillan has been carefully renovated, rebuilt, and modernized, keeping its sense of grandeur and architectural integrity whilst significantly improving all areas of the property, including the homestead, gardens, and farm infrastructure, bringing this historic property up to date with all the amenities required for a modern farming enterprise in the 21st Century.

 Luxury Country Lifestyle

Regenerative Agriculture

Here at St.Fillan Farm, we proudly practice not just sustainable farming, but “regenerative agriculture”. We strive to go beyond ‘maintaining’ our soil and pasture biology, but to significantly regenerate and improve all aspects of our soil and pasture health.


The breed needs no introduction, globally famous and derived from cattle native to the counties of Aberdeenshire and Angus in the north-east of Scotland, they are a medium sized breed, black and polled.


  • Winter afternoons at the Brian Lake

  • Do you know a better spot for lunch _

    Glorious Rhododendrons

  • Multiple Clovers in our mix

    Multiple Clovers in our mix

  • Quality Angus Cattle

  • Spring Calves

  • Crystal Clear Waters Flow

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Latest News & Updates


Rain, Rain, …and more…

Australias third consecutive year of a La Nina weather pattern delivered us a solid 10...

ET Program Arrivals !

A double-deck load of Cows & Calves arrives at St.Fillan Farm this afternoon ahead of...

Healthy Soil, Better Pastures, Quality Cattle.

And some urban activists are against farms, farmers, and farming. We hear them all the...

Fresh Recruit

As a freshly recruited back-up Bull for our TeMania Angus breeding program, our new 14...

Commercial Bulls in…

First day over 25°C this season, and a cracking morning to turn our Commercial Bulls...

Patiently Waiting !

Our standing Bulls patiently waiting for joining start which we commence next week. These guys...

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Where to Find Us


Rormford Street 16


Burton Street 28


Blackmore Street 13

Contact Information

St.Fillan Farm
723 Maroondah Highway,
Narbethong - St.Fillan Vic., 3778

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